A multimodal hub set in the heart of Europe

The terminals operated by Rhine Europe Terminals benefit from an exceptional geographical location and an advantaged shipping, rail and road service. They make it possible to transit your goods on the Rhine River, by rail and road and to realize transshipments between each of these transport modes.

A performing river connection

  • the Rhine is the first commercial river in Europe with 185.6 million tons of goods and 2.2 million TEU transported in 2015 ( source : CCNR calculations based on figures from Destatis);
  • about 40 hours of navigation are enough to link Strasbourg to the ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Zeebrugge;
  • the terminals operated by Rhine Europe Terminals can be reached by the most performing Rhine units (up to 500 TEU);
  • liner service to the major inland Rhine ports and also to the big sea ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Zeebrugge;
  • the basins with constant water level can receive boats of 110 meters long;
  • the port of Strasbourg is connected with the canal between the Marne and the Rhine and the canal between the Rhine and the Rhone Rivers.
- navigation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- regular navigation conditions
- capacity and performance of the Rhine boats
- economic
- environmentally friendly (a boat replaces nearly 200 lorries)
- not very noisy
- safe
- free navigation on the Rhine regulated by the Mannheim Convention

A fast access to national and international rail connections

  • the terminals operated by Rhine Europe Terminals are ideally connected to the main high-speed railway network and to the German network;
  • they are located next to the first freight yard of the Alsace region;
  • they can welcome complete trains up to 720 meters long

At the crossroads of the European transport routes

Strasbourg, metropolis of nearly 500 000 inhabitants, is located at the crossroads of 4 European rail freight corridors:
- Rhine-Alpine corridor
- Rhine-Danube corridor
- Atlantic corridor
- North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor.
These corridors are considered as the main focuses for the development of European transports.

Ready access to road network

  • the two terminals operated by Rhine Europe Terminals are located next to the French (A35, A4) and German (A5) motorways.
  • they are equipped with several gateways for lorries which have at their disposal, in the port area, a service center “Eurofret” equipped with a parking lot.